CAESAR comes from a famous family of aristocrats. He began his life in a civil war that threatens the survival of the Roman Republic. Resistant to the dictator Sulla, he was forced into exile before climbing the many hierarchical levels, up to the summit, where he will attempt to “cure” the Republic. Exceptional orator and writer [it simplifies and improves the Latin language], visionary, military strategist, an expert in symbols and propaganda, he not only conquered a large part of Western Europe, but with Cleopatra he took the dream of Alexander the Great : merge the East and West. He began construction of the great Roman Empire, but his reforms reduce the privileges of the aristocracy to benefit people. He wants to increase the equality of these laws deal with and participation in institutions. It will launch a major expedition in the East against the Parthians, but he was assassinated at age 56, full Senate by a conspiracy of noblemen.

© Alice Labrèque and Jean Routier, 2012

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Alice Labrèque [email protected]
Jean Routier [email protected]

Tél.: 418 658-8751
401-3783 Gabrielle-Vallée
Québec (Québec) Canada G1W 5C3